763 Engine Block Heater?

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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2006
Hey all you experts out there. Is it possible to install an engine block heater on my 763? I went outside the other morning to fire her up and she wouldn't start, it was -20. Later BobCat.
I just put one on my 853, purchase it from amazon.com Find out what size your freezw plugs are and order one. 350 watt is what I installed. A little hint for install, clean the block good and lube the O ring on the heater with dish soap, oil will make the o ring expand. It should take longer to drain the engine than install the heater. dennis
I just put one on my 853, purchase it from amazon.com Find out what size your freezw plugs are and order one. 350 watt is what I installed. A little hint for install, clean the block good and lube the O ring on the heater with dish soap, oil will make the o ring expand. It should take longer to drain the engine than install the heater. dennis
On the kubota 2203 they go into the end of the cylinder head on the LH side of the engine standing behind the machine. Acording to the dealer who sold me mine for my 773g.
Though if a location in the block could be found, I think it would better distribute the heat through the block. mine tends to fire on one or two cylinders when its -20 f out. For these extreme temps a good artic engine oil (and likely hyd oil) should be used.
Zerostart should show the location(s) for installation
Most autoparts stores should be able to look the correct heater up in a catologue, such as www.zerostart.com
You can buy a block heater from Bobcat, come with instruction/diagram on how to install it.
Yes, it does go at the end of the cylinder head on the LH side of the engine standing behind the machine.
I installed a block heater this winter on my 753 and it was real easy. Take the air cleaner and hoses off and the soft plug is on the end of the head on the left side of the engine facing from the rear. Take a drift punch and tap the soft plug on one side and it will turn so you can grab and pull it out. Install the heater in with some oil for lubricant on the O ring and tighten it down. The worst part is getting the coolant all drained before you put in the soft plug heater.
I installed a block heater this winter on my 753 and it was real easy. Take the air cleaner and hoses off and the soft plug is on the end of the head on the left side of the engine facing from the rear. Take a drift punch and tap the soft plug on one side and it will turn so you can grab and pull it out. Install the heater in with some oil for lubricant on the O ring and tighten it down. The worst part is getting the coolant all drained before you put in the soft plug heater.
I installed a engine block heater I purchased from Bobcat on my 773. Real good instructions from them also. Draining the coolant was very easy. On my machine there is a coolant drain on the bottom up the block near the fuel filter. Remove a little rubber cap and all the coolant drained right out. Probably less than an hour job total. I did remove the air filter housing and the air intake tube to the turbo to better access the plug when removing the old.
I installed a engine block heater I purchased from Bobcat on my 773. Real good instructions from them also. Draining the coolant was very easy. On my machine there is a coolant drain on the bottom up the block near the fuel filter. Remove a little rubber cap and all the coolant drained right out. Probably less than an hour job total. I did remove the air filter housing and the air intake tube to the turbo to better access the plug when removing the old.
Thanks Guys!! Later BobCat.