Hello, new guy here. I have a 732 Bobcat w/Ford engine that is having a problem starting. First some history. I bought it used in '97, always has had a slow starter, pulled starter in past and had it bench tested, always tested O.K. I used the machine to move dirt around on my septic field project all summer and it worked fine. Lately it will not start, I figured due to slowness of starter. I got a rebuilt starter from NAPA and it turns over fine now but still won't start. I have spark at coil and at plugs. When turning over I get little puffs of smoke from exhaust. What should I check next? Any one have a history of fuel pump/carburator issues with these machines? I'm thinking of giving a compression test. I tried ether but that hasn't helped so far. Any help you can give would be much appreciated. Thanks Greg