I recently purchased a 2000 Mustang 2070 with about 1500 hours. She is not in the best of shape, but the engine runs well and the hydraulics work alright. However, the right hand drive will not go forward. Left hand goes backwards and forwards no problem, and the right hand goes in reverse, just not forwards. When I push the stick, it makes a higher pitched whining noise, but there is zero movement. I swapped what I believe to be the RHS forward relief valve with the LHS reverse, but to no avail. I tried monkeying around with the hot oil shuttle valve, taking it out to make sure it has movement, but that also didn't change anything. I really need to plug the drain port and test it then, but as of now I know its not stuck. I'm not sure what the next angle of attack should be. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Attached are some pages of the relevant section in the manual.
I recently purchased a 2000 Mustang 2070 with about 1500 hours. She is not in the best of shape, but the engine runs well and the hydraulics work alright. However, the right hand drive will not go forward. Left hand goes backwards and forwards no problem, and the right hand goes in reverse, just not forwards. When I push the stick, it makes a higher pitched whining noise, but there is zero movement. I swapped what I believe to be the RHS forward relief valve with the LHS reverse, but to no avail. I tried monkeying around with the hot oil shuttle valve, taking it out to make sure it has movement, but that also didn't change anything. I really need to plug the drain port and test it then, but as of now I know its not stuck. I'm not sure what the next angle of attack should be. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Attached are some pages of the relevant section in the manual.