1845 & 1845C - differences ??????

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Mar 26, 2006
Can anyone shed light on this subject ? I am not familiar with these machines at all. In depth info greatly appreciated. Thanks, John
I was wondering the same thing before I bought my C here is a picture of mine and ya can try a online search in the trader ads, I think its different years etc.? Mine is a Cumminins 60 HP and a 1991

I hope that helped ya some
I was wondering the same thing before I bought my C here is a picture of mine and ya can try a online search in the trader ads, I think its different years etc.? Mine is a Cumminins 60 HP and a 1991

I hope that helped ya some
Thanks for the pic, Jim. It looks like it's just me and you on this subject. I need some hard specs - flow rate, engine series, quirks, etc. Come on guys, I know there has got to be some Case experts on this board. Any help at all ???? Thanks, John
Thanks for the pic, Jim. It looks like it's just me and you on this subject. I need some hard specs - flow rate, engine series, quirks, etc. Come on guys, I know there has got to be some Case experts on this board. Any help at all ???? Thanks, John
John, I don't know if this will help ya at all? A real good member here, Ken/ Skidsteer.ca sent me this address www.casece.com and punch in your numbers and it should work
John, I don't know if this will help ya at all? A real good member here, Ken/ Skidsteer.ca sent me this address www.casece.com and punch in your numbers and it should work
The 1845C made approx. 56 hp. and about 18 gpm on the low flow aux. hyd. and I believe 2500 psi. As far as quirks not much to speak of the pin brake system kinda sucks. Lifting the arm rest up releases the pin brake. This relys on cables, springs and cooperation from the machine. Sometimes when pulling the arm rest down the pins don't release. If you feel resistance rock the machine back and forth and they will release. You need to keep the compartment beneath your feet clean. This is where the above linkage is at. Don't try and power through the pin lock. You will shear the pins off in the hubs. The loader arm linkage will rattle after a few thousand hours. The 1845 series is the largest selling model of any skid steer. The resale of these machines especially '94 and newer is incredible. It is probably one of the most sought after machines on the used market. Very reliable, quite productive for their production period. As far as differences there were many upgrades to the machine most were incremental over the years. A CASE service tech can be more specific. 1994 saw improved hydraulic components and the lap bar went from two piece to one piece. 1995 the machines went from the 0range/red decals to the grey color. This may help in recognizing a particular model year from a distance.
The 1845C made approx. 56 hp. and about 18 gpm on the low flow aux. hyd. and I believe 2500 psi. As far as quirks not much to speak of the pin brake system kinda sucks. Lifting the arm rest up releases the pin brake. This relys on cables, springs and cooperation from the machine. Sometimes when pulling the arm rest down the pins don't release. If you feel resistance rock the machine back and forth and they will release. You need to keep the compartment beneath your feet clean. This is where the above linkage is at. Don't try and power through the pin lock. You will shear the pins off in the hubs. The loader arm linkage will rattle after a few thousand hours. The 1845 series is the largest selling model of any skid steer. The resale of these machines especially '94 and newer is incredible. It is probably one of the most sought after machines on the used market. Very reliable, quite productive for their production period. As far as differences there were many upgrades to the machine most were incremental over the years. A CASE service tech can be more specific. 1994 saw improved hydraulic components and the lap bar went from two piece to one piece. 1995 the machines went from the 0range/red decals to the grey color. This may help in recognizing a particular model year from a distance.
Mr Jimi, thanks for the link, however, at the time I tried it, it brought up the home page, but would not go any further. Perhaps I caught it at a bad time. Will try again. By the way, that's a rather imposing looking unit you have there ! I like it. Perhaps you can post some performance pics/stories ? Ksss, thanks for your input as well. Understanding that the C is a formidable machine, is the 1845 (no C) very similar in performance, design, etc. ? Thanks, John
Mr Jimi, thanks for the link, however, at the time I tried it, it brought up the home page, but would not go any further. Perhaps I caught it at a bad time. Will try again. By the way, that's a rather imposing looking unit you have there ! I like it. Perhaps you can post some performance pics/stories ? Ksss, thanks for your input as well. Understanding that the C is a formidable machine, is the 1845 (no C) very similar in performance, design, etc. ? Thanks, John
Good morning John
I am very new at this but here goes
it has a 1750 pound lift and a 3500 tip weight, it weighs about 6200 pounds, I have the 12 X 16.5 tires and additional weight in rear. A 21. 5 gallon fuel tank and a 73" big bucket and will pick up a really full bucket real easy. It has a Cummins 4 cyl. at 60 HP or 57 HP and develops max torque at 1300 RPM, ( idles at 950 ) has a 16.9 GPM pump at 2500 PSI and I love this thing, its a powerhouse.
I plan on making a tree root bucket and an attachment for a Bush hog 286 and a boom and a ripper type of hook and maybe more toys, I can weld good enough and I love doing things like this
Steel is in truck right now!!
I will keep all posted
Good morning John
I am very new at this but here goes
it has a 1750 pound lift and a 3500 tip weight, it weighs about 6200 pounds, I have the 12 X 16.5 tires and additional weight in rear. A 21. 5 gallon fuel tank and a 73" big bucket and will pick up a really full bucket real easy. It has a Cummins 4 cyl. at 60 HP or 57 HP and develops max torque at 1300 RPM, ( idles at 950 ) has a 16.9 GPM pump at 2500 PSI and I love this thing, its a powerhouse.
I plan on making a tree root bucket and an attachment for a Bush hog 286 and a boom and a ripper type of hook and maybe more toys, I can weld good enough and I love doing things like this
Steel is in truck right now!!
I will keep all posted
John Once I found case site, I found that.... You have to register with case site, then log in (not simple to find) but it is there somewhere and then you can look up past equipment specs. Log into mycase, set your profile to include the equipmen your interested in when you fill out your profile. Then go mycase, myproducts then slide mouse just to right and the loaders you registered should appear on a pop up button, click that and on the next page will be a link to specs. Not easy, if you email me I'll send you a 1845c pdf file with specs [email protected]

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